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Who Pays When Eagles Eat Livestock?

[…] to shift the costs of environmental amenities from property owners to environmentalists or the public. Those means must also minimize transaction costs. If reimbursement is uncertain or obtaining it too expensive, the program won’t work. One way to reduce those costs is to rely more on voluntary exchange in the market rather than government. […]

Published on: September 19, 2018


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: July 13, 2018

Fighting Fire With Finance

[…] for water users to fund restoration projects in their own watersheds where they’ll see direct benefits. But we believe there’s an opportunity for private investorsβ€”such as pension plans, insurance companies, or family officesβ€”seeking financial returns to make even more of these restoration projects possible. One new tool the Forest Service is exploring is called […]

Published on: July 13, 2018