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When Timber, Mining, Indigenous Use, and Conservation Collide

[…] Mining Concession but also set me up with the contacts, translators, and transportation I relied upon in the field. After pouring over legal codes, C&K Miningโ€™s impact study, and related articles, I was ready for the fieldโ€”and intrigued by the wildness of southeastern Cameroon. On my way there, the semi-savannah landscape gave way to […]

Published on: April 20, 2017

Elk Under Fire

[…] when wolves were reintroduced to that park in the 1990s. More recently, a handful of conservation groups helped pay for fencing for landowners who want to keep free-roaming Yellowstone bison off their pastureland. โ€œMontanans have figured out how to live alongside other wildlife,โ€ Zack Waterman, of the Sierra Club, said at the time, โ€œand […]

Published on: April 3, 2017

Identifying Innovative Infrastructure Ideas

PERC’s testimony before the Federal Lands Subcommittee regarding the infrastructure needs of the National Park Service and Forest Service.

Published on: March 20, 2017

A New Landscape: 8 Ideas for the Interior Department

[…] the lands, waters, and other resources under the control of the Department of the Interior. Public Lands Management: Adopt new management approaches that allow greater flexibility and freedom while retaining federal oversight and accountability National Parks: Make the National Park Service less reliant on politically driven Congressional appropriations Land and Water Conservation Fund: Reform […]

Published on: March 9, 2017

To Protect Endangered Species, Secure Property Rights

[…] likely. But if endangered species are merely a liability and anyย economic incentiveย to protect them is vigorously opposed, we canโ€™t expect much better results than the Endangered Species Actโ€™s woeful 2% recovery rate. This post originally appeared on Free-cology. All opinions are Woodโ€™s own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Published on: March 2, 2017

POTUS takes on WOTUS

[…] โ€œwatersโ€ matters because lands and other property so defined become subject to an often onerous federal permitting scheme. The EPA and Army Corps have been without a valid WOTUS definition for some time. In 2001 and 2006 the Supreme Court rejected the agenciesโ€™ definitions as too expansive. According to the Court, the agencies sought […]

Published on: March 1, 2017

Carbon Taxes that Fund a Carbon Dividend

[…] to those who worry about families who have not seen a raise in pay in a decade. In fact, Shultz and Baker indicate that a U.S. Treasury study shows that 70 percent of American families would receive an income boost from the dividend, after taking their consumption of higher priced goods into account. Describing […]

Published on: February 16, 2017

Now Accepting Student Colloquium Applications

Come learn about free market environmentalism and explore Montanaโ€™s wild terrain Ranch owner Jeff Laszlo discusses the use of public-private partnerships to restore wetlands We are recruiting undergraduate and graduate students for PERCโ€™s summer colloquium. We ask for your help in identifying qualified students for this program. The colloquium, โ€œEnhancing Environmental Quality through Property […]

Published on: January 27, 2017