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The Power of Prices

[…] The challenge, therefore, is not to simply β€œprice” something but to discover what its price is. Rather than imposing prices based on the ordained judgments of central plannersβ€”as is often done with environmental resourcesβ€”markets provide the rough-and-tumble process of price discovery that helps solve Hayek’s β€œknowledge problem.” The free-market contracting that we’re experimenting with […]

Published on: January 17, 2017

The Hole in the EPA’s Ozone Regulations

[…] illness and save lives. But careful analyses of past EPA ozone rules suggest that the new standards are unlikely to live up to the agency’s promises. A study by Vernon Henderson (1996) documents one such analysis. During the early decades of EPA’s ozone rules, the agency focused on peak levels of ozoneβ€”measured by one-hour […]

Published on: January 1, 2017

Dominion Over the Unicorn

Informal tenure and rights-based fishing in nearshore waters offer a more positive outcome to the no-longer-tragic β€œcommons” of the ocean.

Published on: December 30, 2016

A Climate Without Borders

How free trade and free migration can help us adapt to climate change.

Published on: December 14, 2016

Climatopolis Revisited

How free markets and urban growth facilitate climate change adaptation.

Published on: December 14, 2016

Drought and the Mighty Mississippi

[…] will likely involve a combination of the two. Identifying the trade-offs between the array of financial and physical options available is an ongoing and innovative area of study. The Future of Adaptation As a commodity, corn has obvious advantages that make it especially adaptable in financial markets: It can be stored. It can be […]

Published on: December 13, 2016

No Wonder the Standing Rock Sioux Opposed the Pipeline

Federal policies often discourage developers from doing business on Native American reservations, denying tribes the opportunity to benefit from projects such as the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Published on: December 12, 2016

There’s a Way to Settle the Florida-Georgia Water War β€” Outside of Court

[…] future access to necessary water. Defining clear, enforceable, and transferable water rights could help ensure that water is allocated to its most productive uses and finally put an end to this water war. This article originally appeared in theΒ Orlando SentinelΒ on November 26, 2016. For more, seeΒ β€œAverting Water Disputes: A Southeastern Case Study,” published by PERC.

Published on: November 28, 2016