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Turning Water Into a Crop: Lessons from Cheney Lake

[…] enhanced habitat for fish and wildlife. Partnering with the City of Wichita, a local conservation district, and state and federal agencies, area farmers have developed a watershed-wide plan to improve water quality by putting environmental outputs in the hands of the farmers. In the end, farmers improve their land use practices and their economic […]

Published on: September 21, 2010

Greener Than Thou: Recycling Edition

[…] as high as $1,500. San Franciscans, meanwhile, must sort their garbage intoย three color-coded bins โ€”ย blue for recycling, green for compost, and black for trash โ€” and sc offlaws who pitch teabags or coffee grounds into the wrong bin can be fined. In other cities, residents must bag their trash in clear plastic, lest they […]

Published on: September 19, 2010

Wolves, Mosques, and Other Environmental Problems

[…] years. Hank now works with the National Wildlife Federation trying to solve similar resource use conflicts over grazing rights in the Montana, Wyoming, Idaho area. Ranchers with valid steer grazing permits issued by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management have the legal right to put their cattle on certain public parcels of […]

Published on: September 8, 2010

Terry Anderson on C-SPAN

by Laura Huggins Donโ€™t miss PERCโ€™s Executive Director, Terry Anderson, discussing free market environmentalism on C-SPAN. He models some funny hats too!

Published on: September 4, 2010

Why Is Parking Free?

[…] requirements were eliminated, the end result being fewer parking spaces and, presumably, stores charging for their use.

Cowenโ€™s observations are intriguingโ€“they suggest that free market proponents should urge planning boards to free big-box retailers from the yoke of parking requirements. ย Let the market speak and it will say that parkingโ€“unlike information on the internetโ€“does not […]

Published on: August 25, 2010

Free Market Environmentalism and Climate Change

[…] Spencer Banzhaf This year is PERCโ€™s 30th anniversary, and looking back it has many intellectual successes to celebrate, as it has met the challenge of showing how free-market solutions can solve many environmental problems. Looking forward, it will surely have many more successes as it continues to wrestle with new challenges. One of those […]

Published on: August 19, 2010

Crosses, Stars, Moons, and Green Street-Side Bins

What do these four symbols have in common? Well, to start with they all cost resources, that is, they are not free. Why in the heck then do practitioners waste their money on them? Why do churches have steeples, and synagogues wonderfully ornate glass windows, and mosques, exquisite wool carpets? Surely the money spent […]

Published on: August 19, 2010

Environmental Justice or Gentrification?

[…] impact pollution has on low-income and minority communities when drafting new rules. Several factors have led to a federal fight against environmental injustices.ย  First, a 1983 government study found that hazardous waste landfills in the Southeast were almost entirely located in low-income, minority communities. In 1994, President Clinton signed an executive order promoting nondiscrimination […]

Published on: August 4, 2010

New Frontiers in Western Land Institutions

[…] As never before, academic researchers face both the daunting responsibility and refreshing opportunity to examine how to move the theory of service market creation to practice. CASE STUDY: “New Frontiers for a Prairie Economy: Connecting Conservation and Rural Development in the Northern Great Plains.” AUTHOR: Curt Freese, World Wildlife Fund, EXCERPT: Rural communities […]

Published on: August 4, 2010