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Will regulation guarantee safe food?

[…] are effectively in the hands of our state inspector.ย  The incentive among producers is to win the race toward the bottom, where you can most cheaply and easily meet the minimum standard.ย  Imagine for a moment what the food world would look like if we made food safety a competitive advantage.ย  What if I […]

Published on: December 2, 2010

Commerce by a Frozen Sea

A carefully researched and well-organized discussion of the early fur trade in the very northern reaches of North America as well as a fascinating use of basic economic theory.

Published on: December 1, 2010

Is FME Taking Root?

[…] the continued provision of wildlife habitat andย  clean water. She even explains that the consumers of the environmental goods should be the ones who pay! Advocates of Free Market Environmentalism (FME) should be pleased. Thereโ€™s no call for expansive regulation, zoning, or federal subsidies to solve this environmental โ€œproblem.โ€ Instead, concepts likeย  โ€œeconomic incentivesโ€ […]

Published on: November 30, 2010

And Environmental Justice for All

[…] Lisa Jackson calls โ€œthe biggest chunk of unfinished business when you think of the environmental landscape.โ€ As the WaPo writes, the EPA has โ€œforced emitters, including container-glass plants, cement plants and oil refineries, to install pollution controls in poor areas struggling with bad air quality.โ€ But will such measures achieve their ends of improving […]

Published on: November 24, 2010

New Food Safety Regulations Will Limit Food Choices

[…] href=””>small producer who sells beef locally, I am suspicious of the S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act — the governmentโ€™s latest power grab to curtail economic freedom and competition in the food market.ย  If this bill successfully becomes law, consumers will continue to see a decline in the diversity of foods that they […]

Published on: November 18, 2010

New in PERC Reports: The Accidental Environmentalist

[…] compete for the same forage needed to raise cattle. And the number of wolves in the region now exceeds a โ€œsustainableโ€ population according to the original reintroduction plan. While wolves help keep the elk numbers in check, they occasionally feed on the cattle that ranchers depend on to make ends meet. Just the presence […]

Published on: November 2, 2010

Hunting for Private Property Rights

[…] notion of fair chase hunting. And theyโ€™re right. As a recent Wall Street Journal article notes, the practice is offensive to many hunters who prefer to hunt free-ranging wildlife that have every opportunity to escape. However, as the opposition to the ballot measure explains, the constitutional rights of private landowners trump the preferences of […]

Published on: October 30, 2010

Designing Payments for Ecosystem Services

[…] traditional markets are absent, ecosystem services are taken for grantedโ€”until they stop providing benefits. Then the cost of remediation or building infrastructure, such as a water treatment plant, makes their value obvious. For decades the solution to environmental protection has been government action. Today, knowledge about environmental processes combined with increased environmental sensitivity provides […]

Published on: October 29, 2010

Designing Payments for Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services such as clean water from forests are free, but now their value is being recognized. Entrepreneurs are developing markets for these services and providing incentives for conservation.

Published on: October 27, 2010


[…] is ranchersโ€™ fear of brucellosis, a bacterial disease that causes spontaneous abortions in cows-although there are no documented cases of domestic cattle contracting the disease from wild, free-roaming bison. Some suggest, however, that the risk of cows contracting brucellosis is low. “Theoretically there is a risk, but itโ€™s so low that it doesnโ€™t justify […]

Published on: October 26, 2010