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PERC Reports

The magazine of Free Market environmentalism

Volume 25, No.4, Winter 2007

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  Up in Smoke   “A problem that the Forest Service created—excess fuels—prevents appropriate burning, and so the problem grows. It is one of the great paradoxes of fire suppression that the more effective we are at fire suppression, the more fuels accumulate and the more intense the next fire will be.” —USDA Forest ServiceContinue reading "Impressions"

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Montana Under Glass

All around Montana, broken beer and wine bottles are showing up on roads and walkways. Admittedly, these are not the sharp, jagged pieces normally associated with broken glass, but rather the pulverized variety giving the glass both the consistency and appearance of gravel with the added attraction of multicolors. A crusher turns the glass intoContinue reading "Impressions"

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Simmering Mediterranean keeps it cool

A five-story building in southern Athens is being hailed as possibly the most energy-efficient building in the world. Considering the public’s growing interest in green building, this structure could provide valuable lessons. It combines several types of energy-saving technologies, uses no fossil fuel, and produces zero emissions. In addition, it meets 95 percent of itsContinue reading "Impressions"

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Seeing Spots

A jungle story   Conjure an image of hunting prowess in dark, steamy jungles and a jaguar might leap into mind. Ancient Mayans, in fact, celebrated him as a deity. Like all large predators, jaguars evoke fear, awe, and respect—sometimes simultaneously. While jungle stories and legends abound, and the magnificent creatures indeed inhabit lush, greenContinue reading "Impressions"

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Water Logged

It is the holy trinity of the new Green Economy–a company which improves the health of the natural ecosystem, makes places safer for people, and at the same time makes a profit. Tritom Logging Inc., of Victoria, British Columbia, is positioning itself to achieve all three.   For much of the past century, decisions haveContinue reading "Impressions"

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Transforming Pollution Into Profits

Every year, Thailand’s largest agroindustrial companies discharge approximately 175 million cubic meters (6.18 billion cubic feet) of water into open air lagoons, polluting stream, rivers, bays, and water tables. The discharge, a byproduct of the agroprocessing industry, contains agricultural pollutants such as manure, sewage sludge, and polluted wastewater. The wastewater also contains several greenhouse gases,Continue reading "Impressions"

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