All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
Stop Playing Shutdown Politics with Our Parks
No, our national parks have not descended into dangerous, trash-filled squalor.
What Fees Can (and Cannot) Do for Our National Parks
The government-shutdown circus highlights how recreation fees can be a vital part of running parks.
Zinke’s Gone, but Interior’s Overhaul Must Continue
The next interior secretary should continue efforts to restructure the department.
Prospecting for Conservation
Federal mining law encourages environmental conflict rather than free-market negotiation.
The Role of Fees in Funding Parks
Allowing parks to tap fee revenue to keep popular parks open during a government shutdown is sensible policy.
Environmental Restoration Requires Better Incentives
A property-based approach and incentives top regulation to entice environmentally friendly practices when destruction began years ago.
Zinke Rides On
Controversy aside, he enacted several real reforms.
The Endangered Species Act Won’t Save Africa’s Giraffes
Saving the species depends on harnessing American investment.
The Return of the King
An entrepreneurial approach to conserving African lions.