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Healthy Public and Private Lands
Local control is better management for federal lands
Citizens in the West have little say on how most of their land is managed. Some western states are beginning to fight for custody.
Bringing local knowledge to federal lands
In the West, nearly half the land is owned and controlled by the federal government, compared with only 4 percent in the East. Holly Fretwell explains why that difference affects the ability of western states to determine their own destiny.
Endangered Species Act
On The John Batchelor Show, Laura Huggins discusses the need to retire the Endangered Species Act for an economic incentive.
If It Pays, It Stays: Trophy Hunting and Rhino Conservation
In an interview on the John Batchelor Show, Terry Anderson explains how hunting in Namibia provides local communities with the right incentives to manage and conserve wildlife.
Time to move beyond ESA to save species and economic interests
It is time to move beyond the Nixon approach to the environment. The past 40 years have shown how good political intentions — or, at least, political maneuvering — in the name of environmental protection can create perverse economic incentives to do the opposite.
Can One Person Save an Endangered Species? | LearnLiberty
Laura Huggins explains how thinking outside the box and innovating can work for the environment as it does for business. Sometimes big change starts with thinking big and perhaps a little outside the box. Take it from enviropreneur Hank Fischer.
In the Badlands, a Tribe Helps Buffaloes Make a Comeback
The Oglala Sioux aim to reclaim their landscape and culture heritage
Alien Priorities
PERC Julian Simon Fellow David Schmidtz focuses on conflict resolution at the intersection of economics and ecology. In this video, he explores “alien priorities.”
Monuments no growth guarantee
At the turn of the 20th century, Congress passed the Antiquities Act – giving President Teddy Roosevelt the authority to restrict the use of any federally owned public land by designating it as a national monument. However, monument designation can bring distinct negative impacts. Here’s why.