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Healthy Public and Private Lands
Shooting the Wild
There is a crossroads in Texas. Down along the Mexican border, in a four-county area, sits the Lower Rio Grande Valley—a merger of tropics and subtropics.
Montana, Clean and Healthful – Facts
Information Cards PERC has produced a series of information cards summarizing research on specific issues related to environmental stewardship – issues such as stream and hunting access, wildlife habitat and the public trust doctrine. The cards, accessible here online and at the Discussion Forums, give interested citizens, policy makers and candidates for public office quickContinue reading “Montana, Clean and Healthful – Facts”
PERC Enviropreneur wins support for her possum project
By Linda Platts In the summer of 2007, Teresa Platt spent two weeks at PERC’s Enviropreneur Camp sharpening his buisness skills and honing her plans for a commercial project based on the over-abundance of brushtail possums in New Zealand. According to Platt’s project proposal, the possum was introduced to New Zealand by European settlers inContinue reading “PERC Enviropreneur wins support for her possum project”
Fire in the National Forest System
Federal fire management goes local
Forestry, biofuels and the oil crisis
Excess forest fuels could launch a viable wood biofuel industry
100 Years of Experimental Forests
Experimentation offers hope for future forest health
Living on the Edge
The Forest Service cannot take responsibility for its neighbors
Yellowstone Fires of ’88
Fires of 1988 serve as a wake-up call for better forest management
Firefighting costs escalate
Salt Lake Tribune March 1, 2008 By Alison Berry Just before dawn last week, a red ball of fire streaked across Northwestern skies and exploded midair. The spectacular meteor sent residents in several states running for their phones to report possible forest fires. Although the land is still blanketed in snow with temperatures below freezing,Continue reading “Firefighting costs escalate”