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Healthy Public and Private Lands
A Grazing Buy-Out?
Rocky Mountain NewsFall 2003 By Holly Lippke Fretwell Although little noticed by most Americans, grazing on federal land is a big business. Ranchers across the West lease permits to graze their cattle on about 250 million acres of federal land, an area more than twice the size of California. Some environmental groups, concerned that cattleContinue reading “A Grazing Buy-Out?”
Undamming Wins Praise
Wisconsin leads the way in deconstructing dams that obstruct its many rivers.
Shark Haven
The world’s largest fish has found a safe haven in the waters surrounding a tiny Caribbean island. Two environmental groups have purchased the 5-acre Little Water Caye Island off the southern coast of Belize and will manage the surrounding waters as a protected area for the reclusive whale shark. Conservation International, based in Washington, DC,Continue reading “Shark Haven”
How to Protect People and Wildlife in Kenya
The director of the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) in Nairobi discusses the problems with government control of wildlife in Kenya
Regulators Damage a Park
A professor at Case Western Law School writes about the perverse results of the Cleveland airport’s “mitigation” of the loss of a wetland. To build a new runway, the airport must pay to “create” wetlands by damaging a beautiful and serene park sixteen miles away.
Restoring Harmony in the Klamath Basin
Restoring Harmony in the Klamath Basin explains how this conflict developed and offers a solution—markets in water. Written by Roger Meiners and Lea-Rachel Kosnik, this paper persuasively argues that clarification of property rights to water is fundamental to ending the crisis.
Idaho’s Harriman State Park – A Model for the Future?
State parks across the nation are serving more and more visitors while struggling to preserve natural and cultural resources. As demands for tax-generated revenues grow, many state legislatures are cutting appropriations to their park systems. Shrinking funds and growing usage threaten the well-being of all our state parks.
Politics Manages the Public Lands
Senator Tom Daschle takes care of the Black Hills National Forest while much of the West burns.
South Carolina’s Jocassee Gorges –
RS-02-2: 2002 By Jody Lipford, Jerry Slice, and Bruce Yandle About the Authors About PERC Research Studies Executive Summary In 1997, the state of South Carolina acquired from Duke Energy Corporation 33,000 acres of undeveloped land known as the Jocassee Gorges. The $54 million property is part of the Blue Ridge Escarpment in the southern AppalachianContinue reading “South Carolina’s Jocassee Gorges –”