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Healthy Public and Private Lands
My Love Affair With Africa
Hunting and economics meet in South Africa.
Overcoming Government Obstacles
Tanzania possesses some of the most spectacular wildlife populations in the world, as well as internationally renowned habitats such as the Serengeti and Mount Kilimanjaro. Although over 25 percent of Tanzania’s land area is set aside as parks and reserves, wildlife moves in and out of these areas during seasonal migrations, so it isContinue reading “Overcoming Government Obstacles”
Recreation Fees: Four Philosophical Questions
Beginning in 1996, the federal government started raising (and in some cases newly instituting) recreation fees on public lands and using them at the sites where they were collected. This Fee Demonstration Program, which is scheduled to end in 2004, has sparked a debate over ethical and practical issues.
2004 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, Ninth Edition
From the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute Full Text PDF PUBLIC LAND MANAGEMENT By Holly Lippke Fretwell Four federal land management agencies oversee an estate of 614 million acres, an area more than six times the size of California with an estimated value exceeding $150 billion. Despite this wealth of resources, thereContinue reading “2004 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, Ninth Edition”
Accounting for Species:
By Randy T. Simmons and Kimberly Frost Executive Summary About the Authors Introduction [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”7202″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”title”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”style”:”width:180px;height:119px;float:left;margin:0 1em 1em 0;”,”wysiwyg”:1}}]] Without accurate figures for the costs of the Endangered Species Act, the ongoing public debate over whether the law is effective will be a misinformed one. This study, Accounting for Species, contributes to the debate by analyzing theContinue reading “Accounting for Species:”
Slamming the Door on Low-Income People?
Are entrance charges keeping low-income people from enjoying the outdoors?
Forest Fires
A new series of books for young people offers objective and balanced discussions of controversial issues.
The Lure Of The Jungle
Slash-and-burn agriculture has long been a way of life for farmers living in forested areas of the Dominican Republic. Maltiano Moreta, president of the Ecological Society, noticed that the steady destruction of forests near Cachote was also eradicating habitat for endemic bird species such as the Hispaniolan parakeet, parrot, and trogon. He persuaded local farmersContinue reading “The Lure Of The Jungle”
A Grazing Buy-Out?
Rocky Mountain NewsFall 2003 By Holly Lippke Fretwell Although little noticed by most Americans, grazing on federal land is a big business. Ranchers across the West lease permits to graze their cattle on about 250 million acres of federal land, an area more than twice the size of California. Some environmental groups, concerned that cattleContinue reading “A Grazing Buy-Out?”