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Healthy Public and Private Lands
A Trust for Grand Staircase-Escalante
Private land trusts are proliferating around the nation as ways of preserving environmental values. So why not a federal land trust to manage the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah?
Incentives key to improving park service
Bozeman Daily Chronicle August 4, 1999 By Richard Stroup The special corner of God’s country called Yellowstone National Park is constantly in the news — and the news is often bad. We learn that there are too many visitors, too many elk, too many crumbling roads, and not enough money. On July 25 theContinue reading “Incentives key to improving park service”
Do We Get What We Pay For?
“The concern for forests today is not simply that trees will die from bugs or diseases–it is that entire forest systems are so far out of normal ecological range that virtually every element in the system is affected, and may be at risk.”
Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way
Rocky Mountain NewsJune 7, 1998 By Terry L. Anderson The threat of budget cuts for the Forest Service is some of the best fiscal and environmental news yet out of this congress. Angered by years of declining timber sales, Western conservatives are threatening to wield the budget ax. The net result could be a breathContinue reading “Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way”
Who Will Save the Wild Tiger?
The tiger, which once ranged throughout Asia, faces extinction in the wild. The only way to save it is to provide incentives that make people who live near tigers want to conserve them, says Michael 't Sas-Rolfes.
The Price We Pay
Our nation’s federal land management agencies fail to meet any reasonable standard of fiscal responsibility, making the public foot the bill with hundreds of millions of tax dollars.
Forest Service Roads Opened for Recreation Would Defray Costs
Sacramento BeeAugust 5, 1997 Forest Service Roads Opened form Recreation Would Defray Costs By Donald R. Leal Not long ago, Congress flirted with the idea of making the timber industry pay for the roads it builds on national forests. The decision ended in a compromise, but the environmentalists and fiscal conservatives pushing for payment willContinue reading “Forest Service Roads Opened for Recreation Would Defray Costs”
Don Leal on Self-Supporting National Parks
July 10, 1997 Statement for the Subcommittee on Parks and Public Lands By Donald R. Leal PERC Senior Associate “I believe the time will come when Yellowstone, Yosemite, Mount Rainier, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks and probably one or more members of the system will yield sufficient revenue to cover costs of administration andContinue reading “Don Leal on Self-Supporting National Parks”
Back to the Future to Save Our Parks
Our national parks are in trouble. Their roads, historic buildings, visitor facilities, and water and sewer systems are falling apart. What has gone wrong?