All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
Public Comment on Establishing Experimental Populations Outside a Species’ Historic Range
Successful introduction efforts will require making species an asset to landowners, rather than a liability.
Rhino Poaching and Assassination Highlight Need for Private Wildlife Conservancies to Move Beyond Tourism
Carbon markets offer a potentially promising avenue to boost profits for private African wildlife conservancies.
The Role of Private Lands in Conserving Yellowstone’s Wildlife in the Twenty-First Century
This paper identifies the necessary conditions for a successful expansion of private-lands conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
The Case for Tradeable Permits in Dead Birds
A push toward wind energy threatens to kill more eagles. Markets can help.
Testimony on Endangered Species Act Reform
Preserving what the ESA does well (preventing extinctions) while improving it as a tool to recover species is an essential and achievable goal.
A Voice for Rural America: Promoting Species Recovery
A podcast about policy reforms that could incentivize greater endangered species recovery.
Using Markets to Limit Eagle Mortality from Wind Power
How a market in tradable permits can motivate the wind energy sector to conserve eagles
Research Shows the Importance of Private Lands
A growing body of research shows just how important private landowners are to the success of wildlife conservation efforts worldwide, including the 30 by 30 initiative.
Federal Court Strikes Down ESA Rules by Fiat
The decision is a huge blow to conservation and the rule of law.