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Innovation in Wildlife Management
How Trophy Hunting Aids Wildlife Conservation—The John Batchelor Show
A podcast on the important role of trophy hunting in African wildlife conservation.
The New Endangered-Species Regulations Are Good for Species
The old rules created a perverse incentive not to preserve habitat
Conservationists Should Support Trophy Hunting
Why I joined 132 researchers in signing an open letter in Science Magazine
ESA Reform and the Importance of the Two-Step Process: Jonathan Wood
A podcast on the Endangered Species Act rule changes and their expected impact.
Endangered Species Act Regulations: New and Improved?
A podcast on the rule changes to the Endangered Species Act.
Endangered Species Act Reforms Improve Incentives for Landowners to Recover Species
Although any change concerning this popular law generates understandable concern, many of these changes will benefit on-the-ground conservation by reducing conflict.
Interior Has Revised Endangered Species Rules—What Happens Now?
How will these changes affect species conservation?
The New Endangered Species Act Rules, Explained
The Endangered Species Act is a popular and important law. It isn’t surprising that changes to its implementation evoke strong feelings and rhetoric.
New Endangered Species Policy Will Protect Both Property Rights and Rare Frogs
There’s no need to pit property owners against imperiled species.