All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
The Limits of the Public Trust Doctrine
Does the public trust doctrine apply to wildlife conservation?
A Lesson from Africa
Namibia provides a lens to examine the merits of local control of wildlife.
The Vegetarian’s Dilemma
Can the North American Model incorporate more non-hunters, like me?
Conserving Wildlife Migrations Starts With Listening to Landowners
The importance of involving private property owners in wildlife migration policies.
Oh Deer
30 million whitetails are on the loose in the U.S., causing crop damage and car accidents. Markets can help.
Grizzly Delisting Case Highlights the Crucial Role Incentives Play in Species Conservation
PERC and the Pacific Legal Foundation file an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit in support of grizzly conservation.
How We Pay to Play: Funding Outdoor Recreation on Public Lands in the 21st Century
If the enthusiasm for enjoying public lands can be better channeled into user-funded mechanisms that support the maintenance and improvement of them, then outdoor recreationists of all stripes would have much to gain.
This Endangered Species Day, We Should Celebrate Species’ Recovery
Endangered Species Day is an appropriate day to consider how markets can help recover the grizzly and other species.
Grizzly Bear Recovery and Management
Jonathan Wood’s testimony before the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee on the “Tribal Heritage and Grizzly Bear Protection Act.”