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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Saving wild tigers could mean eating them
On ABC’s “20/20” with John Stossel, Terry Anderson sugests eating tigers could be the best way to save them.
Creating Marine Assets: Property Rights in Ocean Fisheries
With the right economic incentives, marine life can become an asset to be nourished over time, not consumed in a wasteful race.
In the Eye of the Wildlife Storm
Most conflicts solved with market-based solutions involve opposing sides exercising their property interest, whether factual or imagined.
War Zone – Wildlife and Water
When the battles over water in Oregon’s Klamath River Basin were at their peak, PERC organized a meeting in Portland to bring competing parties to the table in search of common ground for reducing the conflict.
Encumbering harvest rights to protect marine environments:
By Robert T. Deacon and Dominc P. Parker Abstract We adapt the concept of a conservation easement to a marine environment and explore its use to achieve conservation goals. Although marine environments generally are not owned, those who use them for commercial fishing often are regulated. These regulations grant harvesters rights to use marine environmentsContinue reading “Encumbering harvest rights to protect marine environments:”
Save the Fisheries
The world’s ocean fisheries are in decline. Since 1950, nearly 30 percent of all fisheries have collapsed, and some scientists project that in 40 years, all of the world’s fisheries could collapse.
Money Grows on Trees in New Zealand
Headlights trace the dying canopy of a stand of Pohutukawa trees. The decades-old, fourwheel- drive Range Rover slows, and a father and son disembark with their shotguns.
Evolving Approaches to Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries
Traditional regulations—such as daily bag limits and seasonal closures—are often not enough to control fishing impacts and they tend to generate greater discontent and lower economic benefits in the angling community as they become more restrictive.
Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries
Rights-based management programs work for commercial fishing, but do they have the same result with recreational fishing? Leal and Majaraj explain how rights-based management can work for recreational fishermen as well.