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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Saving Fisheries with Free Markets
Miliken Institute ReviewFebruary 2006 By Donald R. Leal At long last, Mark Lundsten, captain of the fishing boat Masonic, could relax a little. He had spent hours navigating his vessel through heavy seas to get to the halibut grounds in time for their opening, then pushed himself and his crew hard in an all-out effortContinue reading “Saving Fisheries with Free Markets”
Bush Takes an Environmental Stand on Fishing
Providence Journal January 9, 2006 By Donald R. Leal U.S. coastal fisheries are in trouble. Experts say that overfishing plagues roughly one-third of the nation’s fish stocks. Red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico has yet to recover from excessive catches that were first noted in the mid-1980s. Cod from GeorgesContinue reading “Bush Takes an Environmental Stand on Fishing”
At Home in Debris
Typically in the past, rural and suburban landowners had no trouble taking care of their seasonal accumulations of brush, branches, dead leaves, and other organic debris. They piled it in the backyard and set it alight. Now, many towns and counties ban outdoor burning as the smoke can cause health problems. The alternative is toContinue reading “At Home in Debris”
PERC’s Don Leal Appointed to IFQ Advisory Panel
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council has appointed PERC Senior Fellow Don Leal to serve on an Ad Hoc Grouper Individual Fishing Quota Advisory Panel. Leal is one of two NGO representatives with Pam Baker of Environmental Defense filling the second position. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is one of eight regionalContinue reading “PERC’s Don Leal Appointed to IFQ Advisory Panel”
Hatching at Home
Private landowners who also happen to love native fish have developed dozens of backyard incubators that are capable of hatching hundreds of thousands of eggs. According to Jerry Johnson at Montana State University, these units cost only a few hundred dollars, consisting of a 55-gallon plastic barrel, fake plastic gravel, and PVC pipes. They useContinue reading “Hatching at Home”
Name That Species
Looking for a chance at immortality? It could be as close as the dusty file cabinet at a nearby museum. Thousands of new animal and plant species are discovered every year, only to languish in storage?unnamed, undescribed, and thus without entry into the larger scientific world. So here is your chance. Ante up a bitContinue reading “Name That Species”
Nature Undisturbed
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is broken. Indeed, it was born broken. Enacted in 1973, the act is based on the myth of the balance of nature and, in particular, on a flawed understanding of the biological state of the Americas at the time of Columbus’s arrival. It is not even an endangered speciesContinue reading “Nature Undisturbed”
The Ecological Role of IFQs in U.S. Fisheries
IFQs improve the health of fish stocks and the broader marine environment. Examining the data on the ecological role IFQs can play.
The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition
Headwaters News January 5, 2005 By Randy T. Simmons At the Western Governors Association’s two-day Executive Summit on the Endangered Species Act, I told the governors that the Endangered Species Act is broken – that it was born broken. The ESA is based on a flawed understanding of the Americas at Columbian contact and onContinue reading “The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition”