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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Hunting for Habitat
DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT In their handbook, Hunting for Habitat, Donald R. Leal and J. Bishop Grewell explore ranching for wildlife programs. Around the West, state agencies and landowners are improving both game and nongame habitat through these state-landowner partnerships. Not to be confused with game ranching, these programs help landowners manage free-roaming wild animalContinue reading “Hunting for Habitat”
Managing Africa’s Wildlife
What Zimbabwe did right.
Fisheries are Classic Example of the “Tragedy of the Commons”
How fishery management practices have lead to severely depleted fish populations.
Turning Wildlife Into An Asset
By J. Bishop Grewell To the Reader How to provide both quality wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities is an increasingly contentious issue in the West. In an effort to achieve these goals governments impose regulations that place restrictions on hunters, landowners, and recreationists. Yet, improvements in wildlife numbers and habitat have been scarce. As J.Continue reading “Turning Wildlife Into An Asset”
An Economic Guide to State Wildlife Management
By Dean Lueck Complete Research Study PDF Executive Summary About the Author About PERC Research Studies In the United States, each state has an agency, long known as a game department, that oversees the management of wildlife. These administrative agencies, staffed by bureaucrats, are facing challenges that are forcing change. Specifically, the departments areContinue reading “An Economic Guide to State Wildlife Management”
Public pressure effects species listings
Politics, Costs, And Species
Homesteading the Oceans: The Case for Property Rights in U.S. Fisheries
Overfishing in the oceans is a classic example of the "tragedy of the commons"—overexploitation of an unowned resource. Fishing in U.S. waters is no longer a commons free of fishing restrictions, yet many fisheries still suffer from the tragedy of the commons.
Who Will Save the Wild Tiger?
The tiger, which once ranged throughout Asia, faces extinction in the wild. The only way to save it is to provide incentives that make people who live near tigers want to conserve them, says Michael 't Sas-Rolfes.
Winter Kill in Yellowstone
Wall Street JournalJanuary 28, 1997 By Holly Lippke Fretwell and Linda Platts BOZEMAN, Mont. – So far this winter more than 700 Yellowstone National Park bison have been shot on sight or shipped to slaughterhouses as they searched for food outside the park. The purpose of this bloodletting is to prevent the spread of infectiousContinue reading “Winter Kill in Yellowstone”