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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Winter Kill in Yellowstone
Wall Street JournalJanuary 28, 1997 By Holly Lippke Fretwell and Linda Platts BOZEMAN, Mont. – So far this winter more than 700 Yellowstone National Park bison have been shot on sight or shipped to slaughterhouses as they searched for food outside the park. The purpose of this bloodletting is to prevent the spread of infectiousContinue reading “Winter Kill in Yellowstone”
Community-Run Fisheries: Avoiding the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’
In spite of years of governmental restrictions on gear, catch, and seasons, fishers are over exploiting the once-productive resource their livelihoods depend on.
Greener Pastures
Private protection of the environment is all around us, but it often goes unnoticed. Since our beginning, PERC has worked to showcase the private efforts that preserve in the public interest.
A Better Way to Manage Wildlife
Rocky Mountain News December 20, 1995 By Terry L. Anderson and Michael R. Houser As hunters put away their rifles for the season, a lucky few will reflect on an enjoyable hunt that resulted in a trophy bull elk or buck deer, but most will only dream of such an experience. The average hunterContinue reading “A Better Way to Manage Wildlife”
PC Oil Drilling in a Wildlife Refuge
This article was originally published in the Wall Street Journal. “A Refuge Is No Place for Oil Rigs!” says a flyer issued by the National Audubon Society, which opposes oil drilling in ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Yet since the early 1950s, 37 wells have pumped natural gas (and a small amountContinue reading “PC Oil Drilling in a Wildlife Refuge”
The Endangered Species Act: Making Innocent Species the Enemy
It is increasingly clear that Congress will amend the Endangered Species Act. For one thing, property rights groups, who are important constituents of the new Republican Congress, are outraged at the power the Act gives federal agents to control landowners' use of their property. For another, the Act isn't working well to save species.
The Endangered Species Act: Making Innocent Species the Enemy
The conflict between the fact of scarcity and the apparent ability of the Fish and Wildlife Service to disregard limits is the underlying problem with the Act. Until that conflict is resolved, the ESA will not work effectively to save species.
Fee Hunting
Public land managers are finding it ever more difficult to provide hunters with a quality hunting experience. With low success rates and poor hunting conditions on public land, hunters increasingly choose to hunt on private land for a fee. Few people hunt strictly for meat, but state and federal agencies continue to manage asContinue reading “Fee Hunting”
Wildlife in the Marketplace
Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors Wildlife and markets need not be inimical to one another. This book is designed to stimulate imaginative efforts to create better incentives for habitat preservation. The chapters address how both the demand and supply side of the marketplace can be harnessed to provide the proper incentives forContinue reading “Wildlife in the Marketplace”