All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
The Endangered Species Act at 50
Why have so few species been taken off the endangered species list?
PERC Partnership Helps Rancher Launch Innovative Virtual Fence Project
Pioneering ranching technology will improve wildlife habitat by enabling the removal of miles of internal barbed-wire fence.
PERC Launches “Elk Rent” Payment for Presence Conservation Program
The partnership harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and a unique payment model
Restoring Grizzlies to the North Cascades Ecosystem Would Move the Species Closer to Recovery
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Parks Service in regard to the proposed reintroduction of grizzly bears into the North Cascades Ecosystem.
Free Markets and the Environment
A podcast exploring PERC’s unique approach to conservation.
More is Needed to Deliver on the Endangered Species Act’s Promise of Recovery
Testimony submitted to the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee on ways to improve the Endangered Species Act.
PERC Reports Fall 2023
This special issue of PERC Reports examines the Endangered Species Act with an eye toward improving the incentives for species recovery.
Failure to Recover
The Endangered Species Act at 50.
Darting to Recovery
What one of the first major endangered species conflicts can teach us about how to recover species—if we heed the right lessons.