All Research:
Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
The Role of Fees in Funding Parks
Allowing parks to tap fee revenue to keep popular parks open during a government shutdown is sensible policy.
Environmental Restoration Requires Better Incentives
A property-based approach and incentives top regulation to entice environmentally friendly practices when destruction began years ago.
Zinke Rides On
Controversy aside, he enacted several real reforms.
PERC Reports: Winter 2018
This special issue of PERC Reports, supported by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, explores the shifting demands placed on the West’s natural resources.
Like the Stars
As New West meets Old West, conflict is the norm. It doesn’t have to be.
The New Grizzly Hunters
Creative conservationists search for innovative ways to pay for the natural amenities they value.
A Thin(ning) Market?
How new markets can help align incentives that will reduce wildfire risk.
A Wild Idea to Solve the Wild Horse Problem
If you can’t drag them away, can you pay people to take them away?
Cleaning the Commons
A property rights solution to cleaning up the ocean could position plastic as it’s own potential venture.