All Research:
Water Conservation
How Taxing Organic Products Could Solve California’s Water Shortage
Terry Anderson and Henry Miller explain why taxing California’s organic agricultural production would enable us to get more “crop for the the drop.”
California Drought on the Mike Slater Radio Show
With Californians sounding the alarm over the current drought, San Diego’s Mike Slater invited PJ Hill to provide some historical perspective and Terry Anderson to outline practical solutions.
Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation
Packed with examples, rather than theory, Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation offers new chapters, new authors, and compelling new stories of environmental entrepreneurs at work.
Pulse Flow on the Colorado
Water markets reconnect the Colorado to the Pacific.
We need to raise the price of water
Allowing price to ration water may be a bitter political pill to swallow, but it makes economic and environmental sense. Writing at The Conversation, Randy Simmons lends insight into California’s water crisis.
The West Needs a Water Market to Fight Drought
In the Wall Street Journal, Gary Libecap and Robert Glennon discuss the West’s outdated water laws. A policy overhaul, they argue, would allow efficient water markets and reward conservation.
Harness Property Rights to Protect Beaches
Trampling the property rights of beachfront landowners in the name of public access is no way to encourage beach conservation.
A Tribal National Park
In first-of-its-kind legislation, the National Park Service and the Oglala Sioux have proposed the 133,000-acre South Unit of Badlands National Park be turned into a Tribal National Park. Can it be done?
Voices of Montana: PERC
Listen as Aaron Flint of “Voices of Montana” talks with Reed Watson, P.J. Hill, Shawn Regan, and Laura Huggins about free market environmentalism.