Critical habitat designations that penalize private citizens for essential features found on their land discourage them from maintaining or restoring habitat, benefiting neither property owners nor rare species.
Types Archives
Property in Ecology
A new collection of papers on the role of property rights to ecological resources in environmental protection.
Legal and Institutional Barriers to Establishing Non-Use Rights to Natural Resources
If rights can only be established once a resource is used, then the institutions that govern natural resources will be unable to resolve conflicting use and non-use demands.
Markets and the Environment: Friends or Foes?
The environmental movement will have to rely more on market solutions if we wish to conserve our precious natural resources.
Learning How to Fish
Fisheries around the world are poorly managed. As Jonathan Adler explains in the UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, property-based management can conserve fisheries and maintain their value for human consumption.
Transaction Costs and Environmental Markets: The Role of Entrepreneurs
As published in Oxford Journal’s “Review of Environmental Economics and Policy,” Terry Anderson and Nick Parker show that entrepreneurs guide the evolution of property rights, which in turn can lower the transaction costs of using markets to solve environmental problems.
Conservative Principles for Environmental Reform
Major environmental policy reform is long overdue. PERC’s Jonathan Adler outlines the foundation of a conservative alternative to the conventional environmental paradigm.
Global Environmental Governance
Why is productive environmental governance so hard, and what might be learned from how corporate governance mechanisms address related problems? Dino Falaschetti’s article addresses these questions, both in principle and in application to global fisheries.
Common property, information, and cooperation:
This research empirically investigates cooperative behavior in a natural resource extraction industry in which the provision of a public good (bycatch avoidance) in the Alaskan flatfish fishery is essential to the duration of the fishing season, and an information provision mechanism exists to relay information to all individuals.
Environmental Kuznets Curves, Carbon Emissions, and Public Choice
Environmental Kuznets Curves for carbon emissions raise doubts about the feasibility of reducing global carbon emissions..