PERC makes the case for leasing federal land for conservation
Types Archives
Good Fire, Bad Fire: Inside the Race to Restore America’s Forests
Watch PERC’s newest short film and step inside the race to restore America’s forests.
VIDEO: Saving Yosemite from Environmentalists
An NBC Bay Area interview on the need for active forest management.
CBS Sunday Morning: Protecting National Parks from Too Much Love
PERC CEO Brian Yablonski is interviewed on the popular morning show to discuss increased national park visitation.
Tending National Parks: What would you pay?
Watch PERC’s latest short film that explores how user fees can empower park visitors to directly contribute to the care and maintenance of our national parks.
Elk in Paradise: Rancher, Ecologist, Hunter
Watch PERC’s short film that tells the story of how private lands hold the key to conserving elk migration corridors in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
C-SPAN: Reduce Regulatory Barriers to Mitigate Wildfire Risk
PERC research fellow Holly Fretwell appears on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss how we can foster resilient forests and mitigate wildfire risk.
40 Years of Free Market Environmentalism
For the past four decades, PERC has been sharing the ideas of free market environmentalism around the world.
Electric Election Roadtrip: Brian Yablonski on Private Conservation
A video podcast on the benefits of private conservation.
C-SPAN: The Great American Outdoors Act and What it Means for Our Public Lands
PERC CEO Brian Yablonski appears on C-SPAN Washington Journal to discuss the Great American Outdoors Act.