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Turkey Fryer Leftovers Power a Revolution

  • Linda Platts
  • If you like the scent of cooking turkey, you would probably like living in Plano, Texas. Although not widely appreciated, or even heard of in other parts of the country, many folks in the South like their turkeys deep-fried, usually done in a 40-quart deep fryer filled with peanut oil. Now, that much leftover oil could leave local garbage trucks in a sticky situation, but Plano city officials developed a plan.

    A growing number of the city’s 700 vehicles cruise the streets on biofuel, according to the Houston Chronicle. So, when residents finally push back from the table, they call for a pickup and all that turkey fryer fat is carted off to Biodiesel Industries. Eventually, it ends up powering the city’s fleet while avoiding carbon emissions and unstable high fuel prices. It’s enough to make residents want to celebrate with a turkey dinner and all the fixings.

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