Why some ranchers see wildlife as a nuisance while others see it as an asset
Author Archives: admin
The Accidental Environmentalist
Land management lessons from a rancher turned “enviropreneur”
Eat to extinction
Examining the lionfish “takeover” in waters of the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean, and what markets are doing to solve it.
The train that does not stop
A new design for a high speed passenger train has been described by some as a brilliant Chinese innovation.
A growing fashion trend
Today’s fashions change so quickly that clothes are hardly worn and rarely loved. Barely worn clothes sit in heaps in warehouses across the country.
Federal Land Non-Management
In 1962, Congressman Wayne Aspinall wrote to President Kennedy asking him to establish a commission to review public land laws.
Property Rights to Surf Breaks
In open-access settings, high-quality resources are lucrative; yet keeping out potential entrants may be extremely costly.
Ecosystems at Your Service
Markets for ecosystem services such as water filtration, erosion control, and pollination benefit the providers and enhance environmental assets.
Moving the Wind
A lack of transmission lines makes wind farming an iffy crop.
Where Environmentalism Went Wrong
by Laura Huggins Writing in today’s National Review Online, Jonathan Adler describes why traditional environmentalists are experiencing a reckoning of sorts, building upon Walter Russell Mead’s recent criticism of the environmental movement: Mead argues that the environmental movement has become a victim of its own success. Environmentalists began as progressive Davids taking on industrial Goliaths. Now, however, the established environmental movementContinue reading “Where Environmentalism Went Wrong”