In the late 1990s, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began encouraging the use of market forces to improve water quality in rivers, streams, and coastal waters.
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It’s Our Earth, Now What Do We Do With It?
Political movements are often built on literary foundations. Books, fiction or not, have the power to convince us impressionable readers that we face dire threats, such as unclean meat or pesticides.
Growing Green in Brown China
Desertification is occurring in almost 30 percent of China and salinization affects 10 percent of the nation.
Species Protection
Economist, n. a scoundrel whose faulty vision sees things as they really are, not as they ought to be. —after Ambrose Bierce
Snagged: Halibut Dilemma Gets Attention
Can commercial and recreational fishermen work together for conservation? Donald Leal explores the idea.
Conatster v. Johnson Threatens Stream Banks and Property Rights
On July 18, Kevin Conatser became the poster child for trespassing fishermen everywhere. He earned that reputation when the Utah Supreme Court ruled that public ownership of state waters gave him—and every other Utah resident—the right to stand, wade, and fish on the privately owned stream beds beneath those waters.
Revitalizing African Agriculture
The skyrocketing price of oil and basic foodstuffs has captured worldwide attention. In Africa especially, it has prompted questions concerning the low economic returns to land under agricultural production; the lack of investment in agricultural infrastructure, technology, and education; the poor standards of land management; and the seeming inability of African farmers to respond efficiently to economic opportunities in domestic and world markets.
Montana, Clean and Healthful – Facts
Information Cards PERC has produced a series of information cards summarizing research on specific issues related to environmental stewardship – issues such as stream and hunting access, wildlife habitat and the public trust doctrine. The cards, accessible here online and at the Discussion Forums, give interested citizens, policy makers and candidates for public office quickContinue reading “Montana, Clean and Healthful – Facts”
Montana, Clean and Healthful – Research
Research Research shows that private resource owners are the best stewards of the environment. Here are just some of the PERC publications that explain how, in many different contexts, private resource owners produce the highest environmental quality. Public Lands Reports I-V By Holly Fretwell Property and the Public Trust Doctrine By Randy T. SimmonsContinue reading “Montana, Clean and Healthful – Research”
Montana, Clean and Healthful –
Discussion Forums Helena: October 14, 9:15 a.m., Mt. West Bank Conference Room, 2021 N. Montana Ave. (south entrance) Great Falls: Oct. 14, 3 p.m., US Bank Conference Room, 300 Central Ave. (second floor) Lewistown: Oct.16, 7-8:30 p.m., Snowy Room, Yogo Inn In a rural state such as Montana, the best information is often found atContinue reading “Montana, Clean and Healthful –