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Meet the Enviropreneurs of 2008

Nicolás Boullosa Barcellona, Spain Nicolás Boullosa is a journalist, entrepreneur, and CEO of *faircompanies, an independent website providing information regarding fair trade, corporate social responsibility, responsible consumption, ethical investment, alternative energies, and related topics. Nicolás has focused his journalistic work on the Internet and new technologies, along with social and economic themes. He has beenContinue reading “Meet the Enviropreneurs of 2008”

PERC Enviropreneur wins support for her possum project

By Linda Platts In the summer of 2007, Teresa Platt spent two weeks at PERC’s Enviropreneur Camp sharpening his buisness skills and honing her plans for a commercial project based on the over-abundance of brushtail possums in New Zealand. According to Platt’s project proposal, the possum was introduced to New Zealand by European settlers inContinue reading “PERC Enviropreneur wins support for her possum project”