Ecuador’s experiment with local control leads the world
Author Archives: admin
Friedman’s Legacy for Freedom and the Environment
The freedom fighter’s legacy lives on
Legislators’ investments threaten people living near the Atchafayala River
Environmentalism Enviropreneur Style
Brian Yablonski’s article, “Bisonomics,” relates to free market environmentalism (FME) in many ways. First, bison epitomize the tragedy of the commons. As a quote Brian uses from Recreation magazine in 1901 so aptly described: “A wild buffalo is looked on as a small fortune walking around without an owner.” It was not just that theContinue reading “Environmentalism Enviropreneur Style”
The Benefits of Climate Change
Many people believe that human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to higher temperatures and increased precipitation during the 21st century. Similarly, it is thought that these changes may have an impact on economic well-being. The question remains: If such changes occur, will their economic effects be positive or negative? A definitive answer to thisContinue reading “The Benefits of Climate Change”
Letters to the Editor
130 billion pints for fish Right about the time that the streams and rivers in the Deschutes River Basin started to look a little dry, the summer 2007 issue of PERC Reports arrived and reminded me just how much progress has been made in the past ten years toward instream flow restoration using markets andContinue reading “Letters to the Editor”
To Tell The Truth “The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.” —Michael Crichton, scientist and author “In the long run, the replacement of the precise and disciplined language of science by the misleading language of litigation and advocacy may be one of theContinue reading “Impressions”
Do Profits Promote Pollution? The Myth of the Environmental Race to the Bottom
Environmentalists, politicians, and scholars express concern about a "race to the bottom" in environmental policy. Yet economic theory indicates that a race to the bottom in environmental policy is highly unlikely, and there is little evidence that such races have, in fact, occurred.
Saving Our Streams: Harnessing Water Markets
A guide on restoring instream flows through voluntary water markets.
Trading Forest Carbon: A Panacea or Pipe Dream to Address Climate Change?
Irrespective of the uncertainties surrounding the causes of climate change, the United States is poised to join the rest of the developed world in a fight against rising carbon dioxide levels.