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Remediators Win Award for “Best New Business”

The Remediators Inc. not only won the “Best New Business Idea” award, on the same day, the Navy notified the firm that it had been award “sole-source” standing for innovative technology. This means that anyone within the Navy that is interested in testing a cleanup using innovative tech can use its service for remediation withoutContinue reading “Remediators Win Award for “Best New Business””

Templeton Freedom Awards

PERC’s Enviropreneur Camp Wins Top Prize for Social Entrepreneurship PERC’s Enviropreneur Camp was named the top winner of the 2007 for Social Entrepreneurship. This multi-faceted awards program, managed by the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in Arlington, Virginia , attracted more than 200 entries from 53 countries this year. The award recognizes innovative civil society programsContinue reading “Templeton Freedom Awards”

Who Benefits From Kenya’s Wildlife?

East African Standard March 6, 2007 Applying free market ideas to wildlife conservation By Joseph Magiri Are economic growth and environmental conservation mutually exclusive? Animal rights activists hold they are. Free market environmentalists say they are not. In his groundbreaking research Professor Terry L. Anderson, an environment economist at Stanford University shows that market approachesContinue reading “Who Benefits From Kenya’s Wildlife?”


  Fifteen years ago, an academic publisher quietly released Free Market Environmentalism by Terry Anderson and Don Leal. At the time, few mainstream environmentalists or politicians saw the book. But since its publication, free-market environmentalism spurred a quiet revolution in environmental policy. Now its views and policy approaches are starting to be taken seriously inContinue reading “Impressions”