In many instances, litigation has been the tool of choice for environmentalists seeking to halt everything from logging to subdivisions. But times are changing and more battles are moving from public to private lands. In these cases, environmental crusaders are choosing to wage their skirmishes in corporate boardrooms armed with PowerPoint presentations. They call theirContinue reading “PowerPoint Activism”
Author Archives: admin
Nature Undisturbed
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is broken. Indeed, it was born broken. Enacted in 1973, the act is based on the myth of the balance of nature and, in particular, on a flawed understanding of the biological state of the Americas at the time of Columbus’s arrival. It is not even an endangered speciesContinue reading “Nature Undisturbed”
The Lasater Ranch
Shortgrass prairie, which once extended across vast stretches of the western Great Plains, is largely gone. A Nature Conservancy-owned ranch in Kansas and several National Grasslands on the High Plains, managed by the U.S. Forest Service, preserve remnants. But most has disappeared. Working rancher Dale Lasater is bringing it back. The shortgrass prairie co-evolved withContinue reading “The Lasater Ranch”
Environmentally Responsible
With his 2006 budget, President Bush appears to be championing fiscal responsibility. For environmental policy, this change offers hope for new directions. PERC’s Report Card 2004 on Bush’s environmental policy, issued last fall, evaluated the administration on its success in adopting free market principles such as reliance on markets, support for decentralization, and greater accountabilityContinue reading “Environmentally Responsible”
Lethal Light Trucks
A rise in seat belt usage, combined with campaigns against drunk driving, helped reduce highway fatalities in the United States by about 20 percent from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. But since 1998, highway fatalities have been rising. Recent research suggests that some of this rise is due to the proliferation of light trucks onContinue reading “Lethal Light Trucks”
Letters to the Editor
A proponent of wind power takes on Thomas Tanton’s article from December, and Tanton replies.
The Ecological Role of IFQs in U.S. Fisheries
IFQs improve the health of fish stocks and the broader marine environment. Examining the data on the ecological role IFQs can play.
The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition
Headwaters News January 5, 2005 By Randy T. Simmons At the Western Governors Association’s two-day Executive Summit on the Endangered Species Act, I told the governors that the Endangered Species Act is broken – that it was born broken. The ESA is based on a flawed understanding of the Americas at Columbian contact and onContinue reading “The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition”
Rescuing Water Markets: Lessons from Owens Valley
A look at the problems that surrounded the Ownes Valley water transfers and the lessons that can be applied to water trades today.
Business and the Environment:
Business Economics January 2005 Evidence of good environmental stewardship is more extensive than most economists and executives recognize. By Jane S. Shaw Actions taken to improve the environment are frequently good for profits, but many executives, including economists, are not fully aware of just how good business’s environmental record is. As a result, they oftenContinue reading “Business and the Environment:”