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The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition

Headwaters News January 5, 2005  By Randy T. Simmons At the Western Governors Association’s two-day Executive Summit on the Endangered Species Act, I told the governors that the Endangered Species Act is broken – that it was born broken. The ESA is based on a flawed understanding of the Americas at Columbian contact and onContinue reading “The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition”

Business and the Environment:

Business Economics January 2005 Evidence of good environmental stewardship is more extensive than most economists and executives recognize. By Jane S. Shaw Actions taken to improve the environment are frequently good for profits, but many executives, including economists, are not fully aware of just how good business’s environmental record is. As a result, they oftenContinue reading “Business and the Environment:”

Coffee of the Highest Standard

If you are sipping a latte somewhere in the vast Starbucks empire, you can rest assured that the corporation is moving steadfastly toward more environmentally friendly practices. Chief Executive Orin Smith says he has launched an aggressive plan to ensure that coffee purchased by Starbucks comes from farms that follow strict rules to reduce deforestationContinue reading “Coffee of the Highest Standard”