Not the private sector, not the state of Florida. Rather, the people who are supposed to restore it.
Author Archives: admin
Population Growth, Economic Freedom, and the Rule of Law
Seth Norton shows that the impacts of rapid population growth are not as severe as most people believe. Even more important, he shows how changes in a country's legal system and economic framework can overcome the problems caused by population growth.
The Role of IFQs in Improving Fishery Governance
February 13, 2002 By Don Leal Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee thank you for the opportunity for me to testify on individual fishing quotas or IFQs in relation to re-authorization of the Magnuson Stevenson Act. Because IFQs effect both structural makeup in a fishery, the subcommittee expressed interest in hearing views on aContinue reading “The Role of IFQs in Improving Fishery Governance”
Population Growth, Economic Freedom, and the Rule of Law (No. 24) (full)
This paper, “Population Growth, Economic Freedom, and the Rule of Law,” is the third PERC Policy Series essay honoring the late Julian Simon, a path-breaking economist who revised traditional thinking on issues from population growth to natural resources.
Global Warming
A new series of books for young people offers objective and balanced discussions of controversial issues.
Endangered Species
A new series of books for young people offers objective and balanced discussions of controversial issues.
Bootleggers, Baptists, and the Global Warming Battle
By Bruce Yandle and Stuart Buck
Enviro-Capitalists Today
From Arizona to Swaziland, entrepreneurs are flourishing. Entrepreneurs are applying their talents and the tools of the marketplace to the protection of landscapes, wild animals, and even historic buildings. On these pages, meet a few of these enviro-capitalists. A Passion for Trees Chuck Leavell Chuck Leavell is a highly admired pianist who playsContinue reading “Enviro-Capitalists Today”
Who Pays for Wolves?
How markets helped reduce conflict between ranchers and wolves.
Farming the Ocean
Michael Markels has an idea. Actually, he has two. He believes that his ideas can feed the world and solve global warming as well. Markels doesn’t think small. Markels is an environmental engineer, entrepreneur, and dreamer. He’s semi-retired now, at least in theory, as chairman emeritus of his firm Versar, Inc. But withContinue reading “Farming the Ocean”