The fires that scorched millions of acres across the West this summer have left many people wondering how to prevent further devastation in summers to come. Logging, thinning, herbicides, and prescribed burns are all possibilities; however, the discussions involving these methods are often as heated as the fires themselves. Cooler heads prevail when the talkContinue reading “Wanted: Goat Herders”
Author Archives: admin
Clearing The Air
In recent years a spirited debate has been conducted in law journals over the reasons why the national government took over environmental regulation in the 1970s. The general issue is whether or not state governments were embarked on a ‘race to the bottom,’ deliberately sacrificing environmental quality, especially air quality, to snare more businesses andContinue reading “Clearing The Air”
Homesteading The Oceans
Nearly twenty-five years have elapsed since the United States government extended federal control over ocean fishing from 12 miles to 200 miles from its shores, primarily to eliminate foreign fishing pressure on declining fish stocks. Unfortunately, federal control has not eliminated overfishing. A 1999 report to Congress by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National MarineContinue reading “Homesteading The Oceans”
Excessive Claims For the Market
Free market environmentalists have improved the quality of environmental debate in several respects. Economic growth and environmental degradation are no longer equated. Economists such as Julian Simon have falsified the apocalyptic extrapolations of neo- Malthusians. In some cases, free market theory has also persuasively criticized overregulation and its unintended consequences. Despite these contributions, free marketContinue reading “Excessive Claims For the Market”
Public pressure effects species listings
Politics, Costs, And Species
Deforest Service
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Homesteading the Oceans: The Case for Property Rights in U.S. Fisheries
Overfishing in the oceans is a classic example of the "tragedy of the commons"—overexploitation of an unowned resource. Fishing in U.S. waters is no longer a commons free of fishing restrictions, yet many fisheries still suffer from the tragedy of the commons.
Deciding the Future of the Past:
Executive Summary Podcast WAV 548 KB Podcast DVF 34 KB By Richard L. Stroup and Matthew Brown The 1998 discovery of the Miami Circle, a 38-foot wide land formation in downtown Miami, sparked a debate about the ability of modern society to preserve and appreciate past cultures and their history. The $8 million waterfront propertyContinue reading “Deciding the Future of the Past:”
Eco-Industrial Parks:
Eco-Industrial Parks: The Case for Private Planning RS-00-1: 2000 by Pierre Desrochers Executive Summary About the Author About PERC Research Studies Industrial ecologists are championing eco-industrial parks or EIPs as tools for pursuing sustainable development. An EIP is a community of companies located in one region that exchange and make use of each other’s by-products orContinue reading “Eco-Industrial Parks:”
Shear a Vicuña to Save a Vicuña
Bozeman Daily Chronicle June 20, 2000 In the foothills of the Peruvian Andes lives the smallest member of the camelid family, the vicuña. Wandering the mountains, these cousins of the llama boast coppery cinnamon fleeces on top and a nape of white hair slipping down the front of their chest. Vicuña hair is the finestContinue reading “Shear a Vicuña to Save a Vicuña”