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An Economic Guide to State Wildlife Management

  By Dean Lueck Complete Research Study PDF Executive Summary About the Author About PERC Research Studies In the United States, each state has an agency, long known as a game department, that oversees the management of wildlife. These administrative agencies, staffed by bureaucrats, are facing challenges that are forcing change. Specifically, the departments areContinue reading “An Economic Guide to State Wildlife Management”

Homesteading The Oceans

Nearly twenty-five years have elapsed since the United States government extended federal control over ocean fishing from 12 miles to 200 miles from its shores, primarily to eliminate foreign fishing pressure on declining fish stocks. Unfortunately, federal control has not eliminated overfishing. A 1999 report to Congress by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National MarineContinue reading “Homesteading The Oceans”

Excessive Claims For the Market

Free market environmentalists have improved the quality of environmental debate in several respects. Economic growth and environmental degradation are no longer equated. Economists such as Julian Simon have falsified the apocalyptic extrapolations of neo- Malthusians. In some cases, free market theory has also persuasively criticized overregulation and its unintended consequences. Despite these contributions, free marketContinue reading “Excessive Claims For the Market”