The documentary film, “Degrees of Difference,” explores the way people communicate on climate change. See PERC’s Holly Fretwell on air! Co-produced by Emmy Award winners John Twiggs and Anna Rau of MontanaPBS.
Author Archives: admin
Candidate Species Conservation: Can the Tortoise Win the Race?
The Endangered Species Act is expensive and ineffective in its reactive approach to conservation. Laura Huggins explores an alternative system of incentives for environmental stewardship prior to regulatory listing.
Climate Change Goes Back to Court
The Supreme Court has granted certiorari in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA concerning the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. PERC’s Jonathan Adler explains.
The War on Coal Is Punishing Indian Country
In the Wall Street Journal, Terry Anderson and Shawn Regan explain how Washington rules prevent tribes from developing resources that could help lift them out of poverty.
Environmental Entrepreneurship: Markets Meet the Environment in Unexpected Places
In this innovative book, Laura E. Huggins finds path breaking entrepreneurial solutions to difficult environmental challenges in some of the world’s poorest areas.
Unlocking the Wealth of Indian Nations
Indian reservations contain more than $1 trillion worth of untapped energy resources. As Terry Anderson explains on the John Batchelor Show, tribes could unlock this tremendous wealth if they had the same rights as those living off reservations.
Save Our Parks! How to Keep National Parks Open During a Government Shutdown
How to keep national parks open during a government shutdown.
Is the Federal Government Shutdown Forcing Closure of Privately Run Facilities?
Bryan Preston reports that the federal government is ordering private contractors to close campgrounds and the like on federal lands even where such properties do not rely upon federal funds to operate. Indeed, in many cases, these properties generate revenue for the federal government. According to Preston’s report, similar closures were not ordered during prior shutdowns, soContinue reading “Is the Federal Government Shutdown Forcing Closure of Privately Run Facilities?”
Conservatives and Environmental Regulation
There is fairly broad opposition to centralized environmental regulation within the Republican Party today. Conservative activists in particular focus their ire on the Environmental Protection Agency and federal efforts to maintain or enhance environmental quality. It was not always so. The American conservation movement has roots on the right side of the political spectrum andContinue reading “Conservatives and Environmental Regulation”
National Parks in the 21st Century
Do you visit national parks for the monumental value or for their ecological value? Can they be the same and how can we manage to keep our parks operating well into the 21st century? Join Alfred Runte and Holly Fretwell for a conversation on national parks.