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Property Rights for Indian Economies

Terry Anderson discusses how private property rights could improve reservation economies on “Voices of Montana” with Aaron Flint. “Voices of Montana” is the first truly statewide daily radio talk show that Montana has ever had.  Every weekday morning at 9:06AM, with the cooperation of over a dozen affiliated radio stations, this program finally makes it possibleContinue reading “Property Rights for Indian Economies”

Q&A with Matt Ridley on Economics, Ecology, and Rational Optimism

As part of PERC’s recent Lone Mountain Forum, “Reconciling Economics and Ecology: The Foundation of Environmental Optimism,” PERC board member Gerry Ohrstrom sat down with science writer Matt Ridley to discuss what these two disciplines might learn from one another. Watch a short video of the interview above, read the full interview below (lightly editedContinue reading “Q&A with Matt Ridley on Economics, Ecology, and Rational Optimism”

Reconciling Economics and Ecology

As part of the Lone Mountain Forum, “Reconciling Economics and Ecology,” PERC Board Member Gerry Ohrstrom sat down with science writer Matt Ridley to discuss how economics and ecology can work together to find bottom-up solutions to environmental problems.