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Sackett v. EPA

Today the Supreme Court hears oral argument in Sackett v. EPA, a challenge to the federal government’s claim that landowners (and other regulated entities) may not obtain pre-enforcement review of an administrative compliance order under the Clean Water Act.  I previewed the case before.  Here is how the WSJ reports on the case this morning: Based on “any information”—even a newspaper articleContinue reading “Sackett v. EPA”

The Case for Economics and the Environment

Don’t miss Gernot Wagner’s latest piece in the Washington Post. Wagner teaches at Columbia, is the author of But Will the Planet Notice? How Smart Economics Can Save the World, and is an economist at the Environmental Defense Fund. Wagner points out that it has become acceptable to say that markets don’t work, just lookContinue reading “The Case for Economics and the Environment”

Electrifying Pachyderms

Protecting the Aberdares ecosystem required keeping the local people from poaching the wildlife, grazing it with livestock, and cutting the indigenous trees for firewood. A 24-mile electric fence enclosing 850 square miles (one-quarter the size of Yellowstone National Park) could accomplish this task, but only if the locals saw a direct benefit from it. ByContinue reading “Electrifying Pachyderms”

Urbanization for Population and the Planet

National Geographic recently launched its “Seven Billion Special Series“–a year-long series on global population. I hesitantly read the first article expecting more of the same old gloom and doom but “The City Solution”  offers a refreshing take on why economists and environmentalists can embrace cities. With Earth’s population headed toward nine or ten billion, denseContinue reading “Urbanization for Population and the Planet”

Bison: Public to Private

Nearly 70 bison will soon find their way from Yellowstone National Park to a couple of Montana Indian reservations. The transfer is the outcome of negotiations between the state Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission and tribal officials. The tribes have long wanted the majestic beasts to return to their native ground. The long battle for relocation resultsContinue reading “Bison: Public to Private”

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

  ‘Tis The Season When PERC opened its doors in 1980, free market environmentalism (FME) was considered an oxymoron; environmentalists saw markets as an enemy, not an ally. Now, thanks to PERC, the largest and oldest think-tank focusing on market solutions to environmental problems, FME is being tried and tested around the world. In Africa,Continue reading “Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!”

A Look At The Bottom One Percent

“At a time when there’s a spotlight on America’s richest 1%, a look at the country’s 310 Indian reservations–where many of America’s poorest 1% live–can be more enlightening.” Indian reservations are home to some of the nation’s poorest people. According to John Koppisch, a senior editor at Forbes Magazine, explanations often point to “alcoholism, corruptionContinue reading “A Look At The Bottom One Percent”