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Jobs vs the environment, one more time

Jonathan H. Adler PEC Visiting Fellow The New York Times tries to provide some perspective to the renewed debate over the economic effect of environmental regulation, and the effect of regulation on jobs in particular. The story was prompted by President Obama’s decision to ask Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw a proposedContinue reading “Jobs vs the environment, one more time”

Conservation vs. Oil: Why the Rift?

The US Fish & Wildlife Service recently proposed setting at least one section of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) aside as wilderness. If successful this would prevent any development, such as oil and gas production, in the region. This coincides the desires of many environmental groups.  It’s not just in ANWR that oil and gas developmentContinue reading “Conservation vs. Oil: Why the Rift?”

The territorial foundations of human property

Abstract Many animal species have morphological and cognitive adaptations for fighting with others to gain resources, but it remains unclear how humans make fighting decisions. Non-human animals adaptively calibrate fighting behavior to ecological variables such as resource quantity and resource distribution. Also, many species reduce fighting costs by resolving disputes based on power asymmetries orContinue reading “The territorial foundations of human property”

How Property Rights and Limited Trophy Hunting Saved the African White Rhino

From PERC’s latest Case Study: “In 1900, the southern white rhinoceros was the most endangered of the five rhinoceros species. Less than 20 rhinos remained in a single reserve in South Africa. By 2010, white rhino numbers had climbed to more than 20,000, making it the most common rhino species on the planet. Saving theContinue reading “How Property Rights and Limited Trophy Hunting Saved the African White Rhino”

Q&A with Bruce Yandle on Economics and the Environment

This week’s Q&A is with Bruce Yandle, a distinguished professor at Clemson University and George Mason University and a senior fellow at PERC. Yandle’s contributions to the field are numerous. He was one of the early pioneers of environmental economics as a distinct sub-discipline in the 1970s and has authored or edited 14 books onContinue reading “Q&A with Bruce Yandle on Economics and the Environment”

Unnatural Corn Class Action

Jonathan Adler PERC Visiting Fellow Grist reports on a class-action suit that is being filed against ConAgra for allegedly deceptive marketing of its various vegetable oils. The core of the complaint seems to be that some ConAgra products, such as Wesson corn oil, are labeled as “100% natural” even though they contain oil from geneticallyContinue reading “Unnatural Corn Class Action”

Clemson Fellowship Created in Honor of PERC’s Bobby McCormick

The John E. Walker Department of Economics recently created a new graduate fellowship in honor of PERC Senior Fellow and Professor Emeritus Bobby McCormick. A Clemson University alumnus funded the fellowship in recognition of McCormick’s inspiration and mentoring of numerous students throughout his career. The anonymous donor was quoted as saying, “The Economics Department has manyContinue reading “Clemson Fellowship Created in Honor of PERC’s Bobby McCormick”