Congress should quickly pass a Cottonwood fix so that we can fix America’s forests.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
Clean Air Act Regulations Make it Harder to Conduct Forest Restoration
A public comment submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency on its proposal to lower the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter.
Colorado Should Help Ranchers Minimize Conflicts Between Wolves and Livestock
A public comment submitted to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission regarding its draft wolf restoration and management plan.
Biden’s National Nature Assessment Should Embrace Landowners
A public comment offering input on the development of the National Nature Assessment.
Time’s Up on the Cottonwood Fix
Cottonwood erects unnecessary red tape and encourages special-interest litigation that hinders the Forest Service’s goals of reducing wildfire risk and restoring forest ecosystems.
A Big Step Forward for Conservation Leasing
The Bureau of Land Management’s rule change is a big step in the right direction toward putting conservation on equal footing with other land uses.
Carbon-Free Power Isn’t Free of Hard Choices
American can have more clean energy or more toad-protecting regulations, but not both.
A Conservation Approach Where Everyone Wins
Environmental conflicts are often zero-sum political battles, but innovative market approaches can bridge ideological divides.
“Cottonwood” Delays Urgently Needed Forest Restoration
Testimony submitted to the House Natural Resources Committee hearing on forest management.
Restricting Trophy Imports Will Undermine African Elephant Conservation
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in opposition to the proposed revision to the section 4(d) rule for the African elephant.