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Distributional Effects of Environmental Markets

A collection of papers exploring the role market design plays in the distributional consequences of the transition to market-based environmental protection.

Published on: February 6, 2019

Detroiters Against Free Trees?

If the Detroit nonprofit offering free trees retained the property rights, they would be seen as less of a liability to Detroit’s residents.

Published on: January 30, 2019

Get Politics Out of Our Parks

[…] parks are weaponized in partisan budget battles and prone to management decisions motivated more by politics than prudence. Simply put, that means making parks less dependent on un reliable congressional appropriations. Today the National Park Service counts on Congress for the vast majority of its funding, yet Congress is notoriously stingy with park funding, regardless of which party is in control. […]

Published on: January 22, 2019

Prospecting for Conservation

Federal mining law encourages environmental conflict rather than free-market negotiation.

Published on: January 9, 2019

Zinke Rides On

[…] been during the first two years of the Trump administration. Zinke’s department has made more public land available for oil-and-gas leasing — something the New York Times recently characterized as a “federal lands free-for-all” — but the actual amount of public land leased was higher during Obama’s first term. For all the criticism he received, Zinke deserves credit for leading […]

Published on: December 20, 2018

The Return of the King

[…] To help lions fully recover in the Marromeu, the project’s backers have outfitted the lions with radio collars and made them the subject of a long-term scientific study. “With the arrival of these lions, it presents a really unique opportunity to study the effect of predation on the ecosystem,” says zoologist Byron Du Preez, […]

Published on: December 14, 2018

Like the Stars

[…] the challenge of being a multiple-use agency balancing a working landscape that generates revenue with the growing demand for conservation and outdoor recreation that largely does not. Free market environmentalism has answers to all of these challenges. As the tectonic plates of New West and Old West meet, conflict is the norm. It doesn’t […]

Published on: December 6, 2018

The New Grizzly Hunters

[…] hunting—quite the opposite. Her motivation was to secure one of 22 licenses being allotted by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to kill a grizzly, yet she planned to refrain from using it, thereby sparing a bruin from potentially being lethally stalked. (The proposed grizzly hunt in Wyoming, along with one in Idaho, was […]

Published on: December 6, 2018


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: December 6, 2018