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Brewing Water Conservation in the West

[…] 1922 compact and subsequent accords apportioned the river to the four upper-basin states, three lower-basin states, and Mexico. But due to an overestimate of what constituted a reliable average flow of the river, the allotments agreed to on paper decades ago overstate the amount of water in the river by approximately 4 million acre-feet […]

Published on: December 6, 2018

The Pretext Problem

[…] recourse of eminent domain throughout the route. Likewise, creating a property rights structure whereby land is valued not just in situ but under which people can also obtain easements for viewsheds would be an important protection for property of the New West, whose value is tied up in the aesthetics of its larger place. […]

Published on: December 6, 2018

A Wild Idea to Solve the Wild Horse Problem

[…] being treated well, owners will receive title to their horse or burro, and the second $500 payment will follow 60 days after the title transfer.   The plan has the potential to help improve the lives of wild horses while also benefiting taxpayers. Owning and caring for a horse is not cheap. The $1,000 […]

Published on: December 6, 2018

Cleaning the Commons

[…] cannot capture the benefit of the public good being provided—a cleaner ocean—it is literally capturing another form of property in the plastics it removes. Ultimately, the project plans to recycle this material into branded products that it can sell to consumers willing to pay a little more for the knowledge that their purchase helped […]

Published on: December 5, 2018

Solving the Wildfire Crisis Requires Free-Market Solutions

[…] duking it out in the bureaucracy and the courts, environmentalists should be looking to lower the costs of removing these fuel sources and to create markets for products made from them to spare larger trees. Such free-market solutions can reduce conflict, promote healthy forests, and protect our communities from catastrophic wildfires. This piece was originally published in The Hill.

Published on: November 26, 2018

Are There Market-Based Ways to Avoid Tragic Wildfires?

Like many people, I’ve been monitoring, with dread, updates on the wildfires burning in California. The Camp Fire, which is burning north of Sacramento, has become the deadliest and most destructive wildfire on record for the state. That fire is another sad reminder that more must be done to reduce fuel loads in many forests. […]

Published on: November 16, 2018

Conflict to Cooperation: Collaborative Management of Federal Lands in Michigan

[…] frequently in Michigan could help reduce conflicts across the state and lead to improved environmental outcomes, as well as increased public access to Michigan’s national forests. This study was written during a visiting fellowship at PERC and is a collaboration with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a nonprofit institute that advances the principles […]

Published on: October 30, 2018

How Much Would You Pay to Protect an Endangered Species?

[…] Center (PERC) explaining why environmentalists should seriously consider the benefits of this idea. That the program is voluntary ensures that ordinary citizens will continue to enjoy a free right to participate in the petition process. But the reform recognizes that most petitions are submitted by well-funded organizations and industry. If a species is facing […]

Published on: October 18, 2018