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Q&A with Michael ‘t Sas-Rolfes on Rhino and Tiger Economics

Michael β€˜t Sas-Rolfes is an environmental economist with a focus on the role of markets for biodiversity conservation. He has been actively involved in various private conservation initiatives for 25 years, starting as a financial manager of a private game reserve in South Africa and later conducting research on the role of private markets […]

Published on: June 17, 2011

Q. & A. on Rhino and Tiger Economics

Conservation of animals like rhinos and elephants may eventually be conducted most successfully by markets where these animals have monetary value rather than just emotional value. It may sound cold, but it could well keep them from becoming extinct

Published on: June 17, 2011

Fast Food Nation?

by Paul Schwennesen According to Eric Schlosser, of Food Inc. fame, β€œThe American people are becoming really, really unhealthy and this is an issue we can’t just leave to individuals deciding to bicycle instead of drive their car. We need governments worldwide to be taking action to reverse the problem.” We need government action […]

Published on: June 15, 2011

The Case for Cap-And-Trade

Banzhaf argues that free market environmentalists should applaud the cap-and-trade approach over more government regulation.

Published on: June 9, 2011

Is the Common Law the Solution to Pollution

[…] be a useful supplement. Others argue that common law litigation is a poor fit for the particular nature of modern environmental injuries and that regulatory measures sup planted common law remedies because the latter proved incapable of solving modern environmental woes. The conventional wisdom, as articulated by noted environmental law professor Joseph Sax, is […]

Published on: June 9, 2011

Reconciling economics and ecology

[…] Professor Sagoff emphasizes that β€œecological knowledge… is too spread out among people to be captured by any one individual or by any group of individualsβ€”even given careful planning and sufficient resources.” Hence, both nature and markets are inherently decentralized. Ronald Coase’s seminal article on β€œThe Problem of Social Cost” provides the second important link […]

Published on: June 9, 2011

The call of the wild

[…] dozen Canadian transplants, 1,700 individuals in 250 packs now roam our Rocky Mountain wilds. So, victory for the Endangered Species Act? Not exactly. The biological beast runs free. But the symbolic wolf remains caged in purgatory between science and emotion; state and federal officials; activists and ranchers; tourists and hunters. Now, in an unprecedented […]

Published on: June 9, 2011