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Is the Earth Full?

In 1965, the American economist Kenneth Boulding popularized the phase โ€œSpaceship Earthโ€ expressing his concern about the fragility of our planet. His logic went something like this: since the Earthโ€™s resources are finite, just as bacteria growing in a Petri dish will eventually exhaust their resources, we too must sooner or later run up […]

Published on: June 8, 2011

Local Food Makes Strange Dining Companions

The revival of local food and local markets marches under the banner of the left, but its resistance to centralization also appeals to conservatives.

Published on: June 7, 2011

Kenyan parks face development pressure

[…] for the black rhino. And as rhino populations in Kenya had fallen drastically due to poaching, the black rhinos in the Masai Mara were among the few free-ranging rhino populations to be found in Kenya. However in the end the developers had their way; the beautiful new camp was built and โ€” as the […]

Published on: June 6, 2011

Shoot an Elephant, Save a Community

[…] effective and nonlethal methods to deter elephants from crops, including using chili-infused string and beehives on top of poles to create low-cost โ€˜fencesโ€™.โ€ Other non-hunting tactics include planting crops which elephants do not like to eat or burning โ€œchili bombsโ€ made of elephant dung infused with chili pepper. The problem is that most wildlife, […]

Published on: June 6, 2011

Video: Saving Ocean Fisheries with Property Rights

Saving Ocean Fisheries with Property Rightsย is the first in a series of PERC videos that will document how free market environmentalism solves real-world conservation problems. Donald Leal, PERCโ€™s research director, and Mark Lundsten, a former boat captain on the Bering Sea, combine research and industry experience to describe what happens whenย open-access fishing is replaced […]

Published on: May 18, 2011

Saving Ocean Fisheries with Property Rights

ย  Saving Ocean Fisheries with Property Rights is the first in a series of PERC videos that will document how Free Market Environmentalism solves real-world conservation problems. Don Leal, PERCโ€™s research director, and Mark Lundsten, a former boat captain on the Bering sea, combine research and real life to tell what happens whenย open access […]

Published on: May 17, 2011

The Non-tragedy of the Bison Commons

[…] railhead, while the comparable cost for cattle was 1.67 cents. The significant factor in the price difference was the relative ease of trailing cattle long distances quite easily; bison cannot. Ten cowboys could trail 3000 head of cattle. Ten cowboys could hardly herd ten bison to a common point. Cattle were rapidly moving onto […]

Published on: May 13, 2011

Selling Assets to Meet Liabilities

[…] including revenues earned, barely reaches 1 percent of the current deficit. Setting precedent to purge excess and unnecessary lands, however, is a worthy goal in itself. It frees the land for private production and reduces government liabilities. It places the assets in hands that can better steward them. Reducing these public land holdings is […]

Published on: May 12, 2011

Master Teacher Dan Benjamin Retires from Clemson

Professor Dan Benjamin is retiring from Clemson University. As a long-time advocate of free markets, Dan likely underestimates the significance of this loss to the school and, in particular, the John E. Walker Department of Economics. He likely expects the department to find a substitute in the marketplace, perhaps one with lower opportunity costs […]

Published on: May 12, 2011

A Free Market Earth Day

As has become the tradition, Laura Huggins injects some free market environmentalism wisdom into the national conversation on Earth Day. This year sheโ€™s at it again in the Daily Caller: โ€œGreen activism is often a threat to the very environment that activists are trying to save.โ€ Instead, she writes, โ€œa better long-term strategy for […]

Published on: April 23, 2011