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Un-American Reservations

Until American Indians living on Reservations have secure property rights and a stable rule of law, they will remain isloated on islands of poverty in a sea of prosperity.

Published on: February 24, 2011

Where’s the grass-fed beef?

[…] businesses. In the process, we’ve found a way to combine profitability with sustainability. The key to our recent success has come from looking beyond the typical business plan of a small-scale farmer. For several years, the Carman Ranch divided its sales channels between conventional commodity sales and direct marketing of grass-fed beef to individual […]

Published on: February 24, 2011

Thinking beyond open space

Productive farm land near large urban centers is being protected as conservation easements include farming as a stipulation of the tax-reducing easements.

Published on: February 24, 2011

Mud People and Super Farmers

In the lush highlands of eastern Uganda, mud is a valuable commodityβ€” so long as it is β€œquality” mud.

Published on: February 24, 2011

Will new brucellosis rules let the bison roam?

To protect the bison in Yellowstoe from slaughter when they leave the park seeking winter forage, some private environmental group with an entrepreneurial plan should reward landovers who providing grazing room.

Published on: February 16, 2011

Will new brucellosis rules let the bison roam?

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Today, bison numbers remain high. The most recent survey counted 3,900. More bison means more land-use conflict as animals routinely cross the northern border into Montana in search of wintering habitat. There, the bison compete with livestock for forage and risk causing the state to lose its brucellosis- free status.

Published on: February 14, 2011

California’s Crazy Climate

[…] were empowered to implement regulations; and new subsidies, mandates, and restrictions were inaugurated. Kelley With the feel-good mentality associated with the so-called β€œtriple bottom line” of β€œpeople, planet, and profits,” the notion in the legislature was that California could make a real difference in global climatic conditions through emissions reductions. No doubt many legislators […]

Published on: February 11, 2011

New drilling method opens vast oil fields in US

A new drilling technology is opening up vast fields of previously out-of-reach oil in the western United States. This new drilling is expected to raise U.S. production by at least 20 percent over the next five years. And within 10 years, it could help reduce oil imports by more than half.

Published on: February 9, 2011

The Ruckus on the Range

[…] not β€œproperly managed” they may be added to the endangered species list. Known as the β€œpit bull” of environmental legislation, the Endangered Species Act overrides other management plans. Hence, if bison are listed there is no negotiation or cost-benefit consideration. This tastes a little bit like another story that has been hot in the […]

Published on: January 20, 2011