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Tough questions for free market environmentalism?

by Laura E. Huggins Last summer, PERC held a workshop on the tough questions for free market environmentalism (FME). The resulting discussions focused on FMEโ€™s strengths and potential limitations. Topics included local versus centralized control, possible free market solutions to climate change, and how liability and torts could be used as an incentive to […]

Published on: March 24, 2011

Where’s the grass-fed beef?

[…] businesses. In the process, weโ€™ve found a way to combine profitability with sustainability. The key to our recent success has come from looking beyond the typical business plan of a small-scale farmer. For several years, the Carman Ranch divided its sales channels between conventional commodity sales and direct marketing of grass-fed beef to individual […]

Published on: March 19, 2011

Let Us Bid! The Story of Tim DeChristopher

[…] a federal district court. Under the new rules, ranchersโ€”who often pay as little as $250 annually to graze on a 400-acre parcelโ€”will no longer be able to obtain below-market leases in no-competition bids. Participation by environmental groups is also expected to bring in additional revenue to the state. On federal lease lands, environmentalists remain […]

Published on: March 4, 2011

Annual Enviropreneur Issue of PERC Reports

[…] developments as an important journey toward property rights. JOSH HOTTENSTEIN, CEO of Verdant Earth Technologies and PEI class of 2010, is busy transforming shipping containers into sun- free, soil-free, pesticide-free farms. For Josh itโ€™s all about getting the most out of limited resources. With no soil, Verdant can grow a head of lettuce with […]

Published on: March 3, 2011

How the market can keep streams flowing

With streams and rivers drying up because of over-usage, Rob Harmon has implemented an ingenious market mechanism to bring back the waterand fFarmers and beer companies find they have mutual interests.

Published on: March 1, 2011

The False Promise of Green Energy

Hundreds of billions in government subsidies for green energy will not reduce pollution or revitalize the job market Competitve forces working in a free market are the most efficient and effective way to achieve these results.

Published on: February 28, 2011

Flip-flops are forever

Flip-flops are some of the most basic footwear in the world, a fact that is easily documented by the tons of discarded sandals washed up onto the east coast of Africa from as far away as Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and elsewhere.

Published on: February 25, 2011

Parking made simple

[…] weeks, but finding a place to park takes a lifetime. Streetline, a San Francisco-based start up, has help on the way. Its new technology beams the location of the closest open parking spaces to anyone with an iPhone and the new appโ€” Parker. Streetline promises to reduce driver frustration, gas consumption, air pollution, and […]

Published on: February 25, 2011

Reflecting on Some Unsettled Problems of Irrigation

[…] to higher-valued uses elsewhere in the economy and forย flexible response to greater hydrological uncertainty. This institutional path dependence illustrates how past arrangements to meetย conditions of the time constrain contemporary economic opportunities. They cannot be easily significantly modified or replaced ex post. Libecapโ€™s full article is available here. Nobel laureate Elinor Ostromโ€™s reflection is also online.

Published on: February 24, 2011

Class of 2001: Where are they now?

[…] specializes in water resources management. Seanโ€™s largest contract is currently with the University College Dublin in Ireland, where he serves as project manager of a five-year multi-disciplinary study of forestry impacts on water quality. He is also chairman of a water quality trading workshop series sponsored by the International Water Association and supported by […]

Published on: February 24, 2011