Volume 22, No.3, Fall 2004
A New Fishing Tragedy?
The tragedy of the commons explains why ocean fisheries are prone to overuse (Hardin1968).1 The good news is that individual fishing quotas, called IFQs or ITQs (for individual transferable quotas), have overcome this tendency in a growing number of fisheries around the globe. I am currently working with the Reason Public Policy Institute and EnvironmentalContinue reading "Shootout Aids Texas Wildlife"
Read moreTo Trade or Not To Trade
Every western state limits its citizens’ ability to transfer water rights. Most commonly, although owners of water rights may use water in ways and amounts consonant with historical patterns, they cannot freely sell or lease the rights to that water. Now that the economic value of water is rising rapidly and new uses for waterContinue reading "Shootout Aids Texas Wildlife"
Read moreThe Greening of Home Depot
As summer draws to a close, Home Depot stores across the nation are flooded with eager customers loading their carts with lumber, tile, and paint as they rush to complete home improvement projects. It is a far different scene than that of the late 1990s when angry protesters picketed hundreds of stores belonging to theContinue reading "Shootout Aids Texas Wildlife"
Read moreGoats to the Rescue
The Rio Grande’s cottonwood forest is overgrown with water-sucking, firefueling salt cedar and other invasive weeds. To clear the bosque, the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District in New Mexico is hiring up to 1,000 goats to munch their way through the unwanted vegetation and preserve both the cottonwoods and the water flow. Goats have alreadyContinue reading "Shootout Aids Texas Wildlife"
Read moreShrimp Move Inland
Enviropreneur David MacMahon, founder of OceanBoy Shrimp Farms, is paving the way for a more environmentally conscientious shrimping industry.
Read moreShootout Aids Texas Wildlife
The South Texas Wildlife Shootout is helping preserve wildlife habitat on private land and educating the public about the unique wildlife in the region. Sponsored by the Valley Land Fund in McAllen, Texas, the shootout is one of the largest and richest wildlife photography contests in the nation, offering top prizes ranging from $15,000 toContinue reading "Shootout Aids Texas Wildlife"
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