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PERC Reports

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Volume 23, No.2, Summer 2005

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Letters to the Editor

GLOBAL WARMING AND ETHICAL ISSUES There is much to celebrate and a mite to mourn in PERC’s dialogue on whether the victims of global warming are, by free market principles, entitled to compensation (March 2005). That the dialogue took place is the big celebration – a sign that the right is emerging from its longContinue reading "Letters to the Editor"

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The Catskills Parable

The Economist magazine recently observed that natural ecosystems have more economic value than many people think. It reported that in 1997 the government of New York City faced a choice: either to install a new water filtration plant at a cost of $4–6 billion, with $250 million a year in operating costs, or spend muchContinue reading "Hatching at Home"

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National Heritage Areas

  Concerned about the creeping uniformity of modern suburban life, many people are seeking a renewed ?sense of place? in their communities. The popularity of historical societies and preservation projects is a sign of this trend. Some people have discovered that adding the words ?nationally significant? to their area or region can result in millionsContinue reading "Hatching at Home"

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The Owens Valley 'Water Grab'

  Buying or selling water faces serious hurdles. An infamous episode in California can help us understand what they are so that entrepreneurs can begin to overcome them. Gary Libecap, an economic historian at the University of Arizona, studied the Los Angeles Water Board purchases of land and water in Owens Valley, California, between 1905Continue reading "Hatching at Home"

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Hatching at Home

Private landowners who also happen to love native fish have developed dozens of backyard incubators that are capable of hatching hundreds of thousands of eggs. According to Jerry Johnson at Montana State University, these units cost only a few hundred dollars, consisting of a 55-gallon plastic barrel, fake plastic gravel, and PVC pipes. They useContinue reading "Hatching at Home"

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Name That Species

Looking for a chance at immortality? It could be as close as the dusty file cabinet at a nearby museum. Thousands of new animal and plant species are discovered every year, only to languish in storage?unnamed, undescribed, and thus without entry into the larger scientific world. So here is your chance. Ante up a bitContinue reading "Hatching at Home"

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