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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Beyond IFQs in marine fisheries
Individual fishing quotas (IFQs), harvest cooperatives, and other limited access privilege programs have put fishermen in a fisheries management role and allowed them to reap what they sow. Now, new institutional “ingredients” are emerging to help further define roles for fishermen in management and research.
You’ve heard of Freakonomics — but what about Bisonomics? With their future now in the hands of eco-ranchers and market-minded preserves, the outlook for bison is promising.
Save a Species, Save on Taxes
It isn’t easy being green…unless it means more green for the pocketbook
Finding Peace with Geese
Canada Geese have become a nuisance in many suburban parks or nature areas that feature ponds and lakes. In some areas, the geese have completely taken over and huge deposits of fecal matter make them unusable for family outings, casual strollers, or anyone seeking a friendly moment or two in tune with nature. Communities haveContinue reading “Finding Peace with Geese”
Who Benefits From Kenya’s Wildlife?
East African Standard March 6, 2007 Applying free market ideas to wildlife conservation By Joseph Magiri Are economic growth and environmental conservation mutually exclusive? Animal rights activists hold they are. Free market environmentalists say they are not. In his groundbreaking research Professor Terry L. Anderson, an environment economist at Stanford University shows that market approachesContinue reading “Who Benefits From Kenya’s Wildlife?”
Saving the Tiger
China and India are moving in opposite directions in their efforts to keep the wild tiger from disappearing.
Survival of the Sea Turtle
The first chapter of the Cayman Turtle Farm story did not end happily. But a new phase in this fabled effort to protect wild sea turtles has begun. Wild sea turtles were declining rapidly when Cayman Turtle Farm Ltd. was created in the West Indies in 1968. The farm, located on Grand Cayman Island, hatchedContinue reading “Survival of the Sea Turtle”
Hunting for Conservation
Quail hunting by wealthy landowners has had remarkable environmental benefits in northern Florida.
Governing U.S. Fisheries with IFQs
A Summary Full Text PDF By Donald R. Leal More than one-fourth of the major U.S. fisheries are either overfished or are being fished unsustainably. Congress is getting ready to reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the law governing our nation’s fisheries. Although some provisions are controversial, the authorization of individual fishing quotas (IFQs) is not. IFQsContinue reading “Governing U.S. Fisheries with IFQs”