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Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
How Overseas Visitors Can Help Steward Our National Parks
Many parks around the world charge international tourists more than residents. Doing the same here could help fund critical maintenance and conservation needs
Free Markets and the Environment
A podcast exploring PERC’s unique approach to conservation.
Environmental Markets Should Guide Federal Land Use
Allowing markets to operate on federal land would be a win-win for free markets and for the environment.
To Make Conservation Leasing Work, BLM Must Respect Current Lease Holders and Embrace Markets
PERC’s public comment on the Bureau of Land Managements Proposed Conservation and Landscape Health Rule
New Conservation License Supports State Lands
The new conservation license is the opportunity for us to collectively invest in the places that make our community so special.
PERC Defends Voluntary, Collaborative Solutions to Access Conflicts
An amicus brief submitted to the Ninth Circuit regarding Friends of the Crazy Mountains v. Erickson.
Are Conservation Leases the Key to Resolving Competing Demands on Public Lands?
We should create a system of conservation leasing that allows groups to resolve their competing demands over the use of public lands through voluntary negotiation—just as they often do on private lands today.
Conservationist, Landowner, and Sportsman Opposition to Nevada SB 90
A coalition letter opposing the designation of wild mustangs as the state horse of Nevada.
A Big Step Forward for Conservation Leasing
The Bureau of Land Management’s rule change is a big step in the right direction toward putting conservation on equal footing with other land uses.