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Water Conservation
Public Lands v. Madison Co. Commission
PUBLIC LANDS ACCESS ASSOCIATION, INC., Petitioner/Appellant, v. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MADISON COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA, AND C. TED COFFMAN, FRANK G. NELSON, and DAVID SCHULTZ, constituting members of said Commission; and ROBERT R. ZENKER, in his capacity as the County Attorney for Madison County, State of Montana, Respondents/Appellees. JAMES C. KENNEDY, Respondent-Intervenor/Appellee/CrossContinue reading “Public Lands v. Madison Co. Commission”
The Wealth of Indian Nations
Exploring the relation between tribes, property rights and the market
Why Are Indian Reservations so Poor?
At a time when there’s a spotlight on America’s richest 1%, a look at the country’s 310 Indian reservations—where many of America’s poorest 1% live—can be more enlightening.
An Untrustworthy Trustee
It is well past time to hand management of trust assets over to the individuals who own them.
Creating Economic Development on Indian Reservations
The lack of economic development on reservations is a major factor in creating the extreme poverty, unemployment, and the accompanying social issues that Indian nations face.
HabiHut At Your Doorstep
Living in the Korogocho slum, a small settlement on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, is not easy. Think crowds, no running water or sanitation, minimal electricity, and widespread crime. Furthermore, property rights are limited, at best, and most goods and income are amassed in the underground marketplace. This Kenyan community resembles many others in the developing world. While developing societies seem toContinue reading “HabiHut At Your Doorstep”
Stemming New Zealand’s Ocean Conflict
Rugged, enchanting, and powerful coastlines surround New Zealand. The coastlines are powerful not just in wave energy but also as sources of cultural identity, commerce, and conflict.
Bering Strait Furs Go Global
The maritime fur trade of the Bering Strait was one aspect of the European expansion into the most remote regions of Asia and America. But as we have seen, it fit within a vast global exchange network.
Save Rivers, Destroy Trees
PERC Enviropreneur Institute Alum James Workman discusses the water-wildfire nexus and why we should save rivers and destroy trees.