High and Dry
Compensate rural communities to promote water markets.
The Future of Water Markets
Obstacles and Opportunities
Water Banking Can Help Great Salt Lake
Utah’s Water Banking Act offers a mechanism to allocate water to a drying Great Salt Lake.
Delivering on the Promise of Water Quality Markets
Water quality markets can be a cost-effective way to reduce water pollution.
The Futures Market for California Water
Challenges and policy recommendations
Engaging Irrigation Districts in Water Markets
Ideas to address modern water scarcity challenges
Designing Groundwater Markets in Practice
Lessons from three California groundwater basins
Using Markets to Limit Eagle Mortality from Wind Power
How a market in tradable permits can motivate the wind energy sector to conserve eagles
Infographic: How red tape makes wildfires worse
A maze of regulations coupled with the threat of litigation delay urgently needed forest restoration projects and increase the likelihood of catastrophic wildfire.